The first of our Christmas stock deliveries has landed. It arrived on Wednesday in two big boxes, and my daughter and I unpacked, checked for breakages and priced everything up ready for our first market.
These cute wooden trains are perfect for your Christmas tree – who doesn’t love a train? They won’t get easily broken either should you have paws or little fingers in your family.
The new range has already launched online, so if you want something snap it up now as we have very limited stock – while I will try to re-order there is no guarantee so please don’t miss out on something you’ve set your heart on.
My personal favourites are these carousel/spinning musical ornaments. With a range of designs available from Santas sleigh to a traditional carousel, they are sure to fly out. I’m hoping we can get more but can’t guarantee it, which will be a shame as I would quite like one myself!
We should have more stock arriving over the coming weeks, which is very exciting. I can’t wait to show you more!
Cari xx