Well, what a week it’s been. Flat out with my day job in a local school, trying to arrange stock deliveries and the sale around it – I’m exhausted! How is it only the end of the second week back?
I did have a lovely email drop into my inbox though – if you have ever visited one of these events you will know how popular they are.
I’m really hoping that nothing changes and we are able to attend both Redworth Hall and Gisborough Hall Christmas Fairs. Please put the dates in your diaries and keep your fingers crossed – after all, we have all missed out on so much over the last two years!
Our sale has now ended – sorry if you missed it! It’s well worth joining our newsletter for updates like this, or you could always follow us on Facebook and Instagram (I’m going to be using both a lot more over the next few months).
If you can’t manage a visit to either of the Christmas Fairs above, we are also going to be at Gisborough Forest & Walkway with our stall on 5th December. They aren’t running a market this year but will have Christmas trees for sale and are inviting traders to set up alongside the visitors centre. I think we will need to wrap up with lots of layers!
I hope you are as excited about Christmas as we are – it will be here soon!
Cari xx