Just a heads up, as last year we got quite a few orders over the Christmas break – if you want something to arrive before Christmas please order before 9 pm on 17/12/24. Unless you upgrade your shipping, tomorrow will be our last collection for Christmas delivery.
I’ve just spent half an hour trying to unpack all our market stock. We transport everything in plastic tubs, and to be honest they have seen better days, so that’s something that will need replacing in 2025. I’m not sure what I’ve done differently but I seem to have run out of shelf space despite having sold quite a chunk of the massive order I placed earlier this year. I would show you a picture but I’m honestly embarrassed at the state of my stock room. I had such grand plans, but with working part time around everything business related, it’s become a dumping ground. There’s too much furniture but I have a plan for that, just need some time over Christmas to work on it all. How I’m going to fit a new delivery in there I don’t know!
While today is the last day for ordering in time for Christmas, you can still order right through the Christmas break and I will be sending as frequently as I can. I still get excited every time an order kerchings through, and love locating and carefully packing your purchases. It gives me a lovely break from trying to maintain some order in the house! It might also help me with sorting space in the stock room.
I hope you have a lovely restful Christmas break and we will see you in 2025.
Cari and all the team at The UK Christmas Store