I really love Christmas markets. There’s something magical for young and old, especially at the best ones. Even as a stall holder you can feel the excitement, that tingle down your spine in anticipation.
Bowes Museum has long been towards the top of our list for ‘must attend’. I remember one year it was so cold the fountain froze over enough for the more daring visitors to stand on. That was tough. The cold seeps in no matter how many layers you wear, and obviously the more layers, the longer it takes when you need to ‘pay a visit’.
I’ll leave that one there.
Bowes Museum Christmas market is over three days. This causes problems at Our Grotto as I’m usually at work, unable to take the day off. I try to persuade the Head Elf to go instead, with varying degrees of success.
We were facing the same dilemma this year. Friday would be my last day of work before Christmas. Head Elf was all set to go, taking the teenage Elves along for assistance.
Then our plans changed.
Work was having to shut a week early, which was really disappointing as the last week before Christmas break is the best – filled with class parties and Christmas Dinner.
The one silver lining is that I can now go to Bowes on Friday – YAY!
I’m so excited to be there all three days this year. I think we might have to have a special offer or two to celebrate.